Transfer a Student Between Courses

Transfer a student from their current course section to a section in a different course. If either course section is integrated with an LMS, ask customer support for help with the transfer.

Note If you manage your K–12 course through NGLSync, this feature is available in NGLSync and disabled in your WebAssign course.

LMS integrated courses

Ask customer support to help transfer the student.

Non-integrated courses

  1. Go to the roster of the section in which the student is currently enrolled.
    1. Click Classes > My Classes.
    2. Under the section the student is enrolled in, click Roster.
  2. Select the check box next to the name of the student you want to transfer out.
  3. Click Drop Selected Students.
  4. Add the student to the section to which they should be transferred.
    • If you own the new course, add the student in manually.
    • If the new course the student is transferring to is owned by a different instructor, you will need to work with that instructor to manually move grades and provide the student their new class key.
  5. Ask your student to contact customer support to transfer their payment to the new course.