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Require Approval for Student Registration

Require approval for student registration to stop students from automatically joining your roster after a certain date. After your chosen end date, you will receive an email notification if a student tries to join your course and can approve or deny their request.

Requiring registration approval deters cheating from students with duplicate accounts. If your course uses self-registration and does not require registration approval, some students may try to cheat by enrolling a fake account in your course to access assignments before taking them under their real name.
Note This feature is not available for all courses. If you cannot edit your course, contact your district's technology coordinator.
  1. If needed, sign in to NGLSync at
  2. Under the course you want to manage, open the Manage Course Toggle Dropdown menu and click Edit Details.
  3. To prevent students from automatically joining your course after a certain date, set Student self registration to Require approval and enter a date in Require approval on.

    If a student tries to join your course after your chosen date, you will receive an email notification and can approve or deny their request.

  4. Click Next.
    A confirmation page opens and shows your new course settings.
  5. Click Save to save your changes.
    Your course information is updated.