Upload a Roster File

You can add students to a class roster by uploading a roster file containing information for each student.

Do not upload a roster in WebAssign if your roster is managed in a system outside WebAssign. This includes:
  • K–12 courses managed through NGLSync
  • Courses integrated with a Learning Management System (LMS) such as Blackboard® or Canvas™
Uploading a roster in WebAssign that is managed elsewhere causes syncing problems.

Depending on your school's integration, roster uploading may be disabled in WebAssign.

Note You cannot change your students' account details like name, email address, or password. Students must update their own Cengage account details.
  1. Open the Roster page.

    From My Classes, click Roster under Class Tools.

  2. At the top of the roster, click Upload.
  3. On the Roster Upload page, click Choose a File.
    1. Navigate to the file you want to upload.
    2. Click Open or Choose, depending on your browser.

    The roster file is uploaded and checked for completeness. If there are problems in the roster file, they are noted under Comments.

    Note Students are not added to your course yet.
  4. Under Upload Preview, review the roster data.
    • Check that all students are listed and the data are correct.
    • If needed, fix any problems in your roster file, save it, and upload it again (step 3).
  5. Optional: Select Send email to students who have new or updated information.

    If your roster includes email addresses, select this option. The email lets your students know they have been enrolled and includes links to sign in or reset their password.

    Important If you don't select this option, you need to manually provide each of your students with the username and initial password specified in the roster file. Make sure your students with preexisting Cengage accounts understand that their password was not changed.
  6. Click Submit.
    • The listed students are added to your class roster.
    • Accounts are created for students if the email address or username does not match an existing account.
  7. Optional: To drop students who were not included in your roster file, click Drop Students .
  8. Click Back to My Classes.