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Student ID Number Already Used

When you try to create a student account, you are told the student's number is already in use. If the student tries to create their own account, they are told they already have an account.

An account in your district is already using that student's ID number. Student ID numbers must be unique across your district.


Search the district directory to determine if your student has an old account they forgot, or if their ID number was mistakenly attached to another student account.

  1. In the upper-left corner, click Menu > My District > Students.
  2. Enter the student ID number in Student Number and select Include Inactive.
  3. Click Search.
    All students in your district whose ID numbers contain the student number you searched are listed.
  4. Click the student name whose exact ID number is listed in the SIS# column.
    • If the account belongs to your student, give them their username and password so they can use their existing account.

      If the account is no longer active, click Activate.

    • If the account belongs to another student, edit the student profile to use the correct ID number.

      This will not affect the other student's account access.