Perl Variables for Any Question Type

The following reserved Perl variables are used to return information or set behaviors in questions that you create in WebAssign.

These variables can be used in all questions. 




Returns current assignment ID.


Returns true (1) if student's response is correct.


Returns the unique identifier for this scheduled instance of this assignment. Not the same as the assignment ID.


Returns the email address of the student completing the question.


Returns the full name of the student completing the question.


Set the hint to be displayed.


Set the hint to be displayed after a correct response.


Set to displays available hints even when your student's response is correct.


Returns a calculated value of pi.


Returns point value of question part.


Returns the current QID.


Returns current question number on assignment.


Returns number of submissions made.


Returns unique ID of the student completing the question.


Set to override question part score.


Returns full name of answer box, for example, RN_355_1_0_83 is the box name for a random numerical box of question ID 355. It is the first part (0) of the first question (1) on the assignment and 83 is the random seed.


Returns student's response for the answer box.

Important Changing the value of this variable can cause your student's answer to be graded incorrectly.

In Answer, customizes or hides answer format tip for one answer box, for example, $TOOLTIP='Enter a whole number'. To hide the answer format tip for an answer box, set $TOOLTIP=' ' (with a space).