Question Search Criteria

When searching for questions to add to your assignments, you can specify any of the following criteria.




Select one of the textbooks or question resources associated with your classes.


Specify a textbook chapter, if known.


Specify the entire question name or a term that occurs in the question name. You cannot specify the question ID.

Usable Only

Select Usable Only to include only questions that are marked as usable.

Used Questions Only

Select Used Questions Only to include only questions that have been used in an assignment.


Specify a single keyword to find questions including that keyword. Be aware that textbook questions do not include keywords.


Specify all or part of the question author's name or WebAssign username.

Permission / Groups

Select the permission that is set for the question. If you select Protected or Private, you will only see matching questions for which you are the author.


Select the type of question that you are searching for — for example, Multiple-Choice or Numerical. Note that Multi-Mode questions containing the selected type are also returned.

Last Saved

Select a date and time range when the question was most recently saved. A common use of this criterion is to search for questions that are new or have been recently modified.


Specify a word or phrase in the question. You can use this to search not only for text that is displayed to students, but also for code, for example if you are trying to find questions using a particular function or variable.


Specify a word or phrase in the answer key. You can use this to search not only for text that is displayed to students, but also for code, for example if you are trying to find questions using a particular function or variable.


Specify a word or phrase in the worked solution. Many questions do not have worked solutions.


Specify a word or phrase in the comment field for the question.


Select one or more disciplines that are specified for the question. Be aware that most textbook questions do not contain discipline information.