Grant Another Instructor Access to Your Course

You can grant partial, full-course, or section access to another instructor. You might want to do this to share assignments between similar courses.


If you manage your K–12 course through NGLSync, see Add Teachers (NGLSync).

To add a Teaching Assistant (TA) to your account, open a support case on the customer support site.

  1. Open the My Classes page.

    Click Classes > My Classes and find the section you want.

  2. Click Edit Class Settings.
  3. Under Section Information, click Add Additional Access.

    A list of instructors with the same discipline as that course is displayed.

    Note If you do not see the instructor you are looking for, select a different discipline from the Filter by Discipline menu, or select Show All to see all of the instructors and TAs with WebAssign faculty accounts at your school.

    If you still do not see the instructor you want, submit a request to Customer Support and request a free WebAssign account for that instructor.

    If you want to give an instructor at another school access to your class, you can enter the username and institution code and click Lookup Faculty to find and add that instructor to your class.

  4. Select the name or names of the instructors or TAs to whom you want to give access.
  5. Click Choose Privileges.

    The Access page is displayed.

  6. Optional: Clear the check box for Add to roster if you do not want the instructor to be able to see the course as a student would.
  7. If you have a multi-section class, you can add the same privileges for one or more of the same people to additional class sections.
    To do so, select the check box for each section you want to grant access, for each person, in the Grant these same privileges for the above user to the selected sections check box.
  8. Select the privileges you want to grant to each instructor and click Grant Access.
    Privilege Category View Modify Grant
    Section View the Course Edit page Modify the section information from the Edit Class Settings page Grant access to the section to other faculty
    Tip Only give instructors grant access if you want to allow them to add new sections to your course.
    Roster View the roster Add and drop students, and modify details
    Tip If you grant an instructor at another institution modify roster privileges, that instructor's institution will be used if they generate a class key for the course.
    Assignments View the assignments scheduled for the section Modify the dates for an assignment Grant extensions and extra submissions
    Grades View the student scores, grades, and responses Adjust scores and upload manual scores NA
    • View Ask Your Teacher messages
    • View forum posts
    • Respond to or change answered status for Ask Your Teacher messages
    • Add, edit, hide, or archive announcements
    • Remove forum posts and create new forums

    The creator of a section always has all of these privileges. Permissions can't be removed or changed for the creator of a section.

    Note Instructors must have the following permissions to copy sections:
    • At least View access to both Section and Assignments for the section being copied
    • At least Modify access to both the Section and Assignments for any section in the course to which the section is being copied