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Can't View Data for Archived Section

You can't view student responses, question scores, or log data, or you can't change section dates, GradeBook settings, or scores, for a section that ended more than six years ago.

Periodically, student responses and log data are archived for class sections that ended more than six years ago. You can still access the class section and view student assignment scores, but some actions are not allowed. For archived sections, you can't:
  • view student answers
  • view student scores for individual questions
  • view student access logs (loginfo)
  • view announcements, Ask Your Teacher messages, extension requests, forums, or private messages
  • view Class Insights data
  • schedule, reschedule, or unschedule assignments
  • edit section settings
  • change the GradeBook or student scores

On some pages, you might also see an Archived section message.

Your students can't access archived sections because they have already ended.

If you need to retrieve archived data for a class section, contact Customer Support.