Report Question Error

If you see a problem with a question, report it to WebAssign.

  1. Sign in at
  2. Click Open a new case or place an order.
  3. For Type of Request, select Product & System Support.
  4. For Which platform/service do you need help with? select WebAssign.
  5. For Reason, select Missing or Incorrect Content.
  6. Complete the form, then click Create Case.
    Your report is submitted to support.

If you found this error after it was included in a graded assignment, award credit to all students for the question so it does not negatively affect their grade.

Award credit to everyone

Award full or partial credit for incorrect answers to encourage students to attempt specific questions that might require more effort.

  1. In the Assignment Editor, expand the Questions section, then expand the question.
  2. Click Points adjustment.
  3. Under Points adjustment, select Award credit to everyone.
  4. Set the Amount to credit.

    100% (default) awards full credit for any answer.

  5. Optional: To change all questions on the assignment, click Adjust All Questions.

    This is available only when setting automatic points adjustments for a specific question.

  6. Click Save at the top of the assignment.


Question Points: 4

Amount to credit: 25%

Awarded points:

  • No answer: 0
  • Incorrect answer: 1
  • Correct answer: 4