Add Assignments to LMS Assignments > Schedule Assignments Create links from your LMS to content in WebAssign. Add Links in Blackboard to WebAssign Activities and Resources After setting up your WebAssign course, create links from Blackboard® to activities or other content in WebAssign. Linked graded activities are included in the Blackboard® gradebook unless you choose to exclude them. Link to WebAssign Activities and ResourcesAfter setting up your WebAssign course, create links from Brightspace® to activities or other content in WebAssign. Linked graded activities are included in the Brightspace® gradebook unless you choose to exclude them. Add Links in Canvas LTI Advantage to WebAssign ActivitiesAfter setting up your WebAssign course, create links from Canvas™ to activities or other content in WebAssign. Linked graded activities are included in the Canvas™ gradebook unless you choose to exclude them. Add Links in Canvas to WebAssign Activities and Resources After setting up your WebAssign course, create links from Canvas™ to activities or other content in WebAssign. Linked graded activities are included in the Canvas™ gradebook unless you choose to exclude them. Add Links in Google Classroom to WebAssign Activities and Resources After setting up your WebAssign course, create links from Google Classroom to activities or other content in WebAssign. Add Links in Moodle to WebAssign Activities and Resources After setting up your WebAssign course, create links from Moodle™ to activities or other content in WebAssign. Linked graded activities are included in the Moodle™ gradebook. Add Links in Sakai to WebAssign Activities and Resources After setting up your WebAssign course, create links from Sakai® to activities or other content in WebAssign. Add Links in Schoology to WebAssign Activities and Resources After setting up your WebAssign course, create links from Schoology® to activities or other content in WebAssign. Add Links in LTI Advantage LMS to WebAssign Activities and ResourcesIf your LTI Advantage LMS is not otherwise specified, the following steps apply to any LTI Advantage compliant LMS. After setting up your WebAssign course, create links from LTI Advantage LMS to activities or other content in WebAssign. Linked graded activities are included in the LTI Advantage LMS gradebook. Was this helpful?FEEDBACK :: Was this helpful? thumb_up YesFEEDBACK :: Was this helpful? thumb_down Nocheck_circleThank you for your feedback.