Enroll Students Using a Roster File

Instead of letting students enroll themselves, you can enroll students by uploading your students' data to create their Cengage accounts.

Do not upload a roster in WebAssign if your roster is managed in a system outside WebAssign. This includes:
  • K–12 courses managed through NGLSync
  • Courses integrated with a Learning Management System (LMS) such as Blackboard® or Canvas™
Uploading a roster in WebAssign that is managed elsewhere causes syncing problems.

Depending on your school's integration, roster uploading may be disabled in WebAssign.

Advantages Disadvantages
  • You explicitly control which students have access to your course.
  • You can assign usernames for your students.
    Note All usernames must be unique.
  • You can ensure that your students' information is accurate.
  • Students do not have an opportunity to mistakenly create multiple usernames.
  • If your students already have Cengage accounts, uploading roster data will create additional accounts for students whose existing Cengage accounts don't exactly match the data you provide.
  • Depending on the size of your class and how you receive roster information from your school, preparing a roster file for use might be a considerable effort.
  • You must upload a new roster to add late additions to your class before those students can begin work in WebAssign.