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Make Textbook Resource Materials Available to Students

If the textbook you selected for your class includes resource materials, by default these materials are not displayed to your students. You must select the resource materials you want to share with your students from the ClassView page for your class.

  1. Open the My Classes page.

    Click Classes > My Classes and find the section you want.

  2. Click the Resources tab.

    If the textbook you are using provides resources, those resources are listed below My Class Resources under a heading that identifies the textbook.

    Usually, textbook resources are organized by chapter. Resources are listed with icons representing common file types.

    • To expand a chapter and see its available resources, click plus icon.
    • To collapse an open chapter, click minus icon.
    • To view a resource, click its title.

      Depending on your browser settings, you might have to choose to save or to open the resource.

  3. Select the resources you want your students to see.
    • Select the check box for each item you want your students to see.
    • Clear the check box for each item you do not want your students to see.
    • Click All in the textbook resource heading to share all available resources with your students.
    • Click None in the textbook resource heading to clear all check boxes and share none of the resources.
    Note Some resources cannot be shared with your students. A check box is displayed for the resource, but it is not selectable. This is usually the case for instructional resources such as testbanks that contain questions you can use to generate tests or quizzes for your class.
  4. Click Save at the bottom of the textbook resources panel.
    Note Clicking Save saves changes only for the selected panel.

The resources you selected to share with your students are displayed on your students' Home page for your class.