Using the Student View, if you have started or completed any assignment or course as a student, your progress, scores, and grades display. This is a good way to review the scoring grading behaviors you chose.
- From the Student View, select a course from the drop-down list.
From the menu bar, click My Assignments.
The My Assignments page opens as your students see it. If you have started or completed any assignment as a student, your scores and progress are displayed.
Click an assignment to review assignment details, such as scores for individual
questions and parts of questions.
From the menu bar, click Grades.
When all items are shown, your students see three tables with their grade, class grades, and scores on individual assignments.
- Total Grade
Student's letter or pass/fail grade and numeric score.
To view your grading scale, click Grading Scale.
- Class Grades
The minimum grade, class average, your student's grade, maximum grade, and standard deviation of grades in your class.
To view this data in a graph, click Graph.
- Scores
Click a tab in the Scores table to view more information.
- Scores
Scores for each assignment type.
To see scores for assignments in a category, and how they affect your student's grade, click
- Raw Scores
Scores without weighting or dropping assignments.
To see scores for assignments in a category, click
- Class Scores
Your student's score, the class average, minimum score, maximum score, and standard deviation for categories and assignments.
To see scores for assignments in a category, click
. To view data in a graph, click Graph.
- When you are finished, click Close Student View at the top of the page.