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Copy a Course in NGLSync

Create a new course by copying an existing course that has custom content and settings you want to reuse. Copy your own current or inactive course, or copy a colleague's course if you know their course key.

Note These instructions are for K–12 teachers who use NGLSync to manage their WebAssign courses.
Note If your district uses Cengage bulk rostering services or a Single Sign-On (SSO) experience, your courses will be created and managed for you. Only teachers whose districts use self-enrollment or Google Classroom should create their own courses.

If you don't know if you should create a course in NGLSync, contact your technology coordinator.

Your new course uses the same product as the course you are copying.

Copied changes include:
  • Custom content and activities
  • Activity settings
  • Gradebook settings such as late penalties and category weighting
  • Removal of content and activities not on the syllabus

Changes made to the original course after your new course is created do not affect your new course.

  1. If needed, sign in to NGLSync at
  2. Click Create Course.
  3. Select whether to copy a course from a list of your existing courses, or by entering its course key.

    You can copy another teacher's course if you have their course key.

    Copy your own course:

    1. Select Copy an existing course, then click Next.
    2. Select your school and click Next.
    3. Select a course and click Next.
      You can search by course name or the textbook used.

    Copy course from course key:

    1. Select Copy from a course key.
    2. If you do not know the course key for the course you want to copy, find it in the NGLSync district directory.
    3. Enter the class key, then click Validate.
    4. Click Next.
    5. Select your school and click Next.
  4. Enter your course name, start date, and end date.
    You can edit this information later.
  5. Optional: To prevent students from automatically joining your course after a certain date, set Student self registration to Require approval and enter a date in Require approval on.
    Tip Requiring enrollment approval deters cheating from students with duplicate accounts.

    If a student tries to join your course after your chosen date, you will receive an email notification and can approve or deny their request.

  6. Click Next.
  7. Review your course information and click Finish.
Your course is created in your learning platform and shown on your NGLSync My Courses page.