Adjust your assignment settings to deter cheating or encourage collaboration. You
specify if question values are randomized, whether to show one question at a time
or the
entire assignment, and whether questions are shown in the same order as in the Assignment
Editor or in random order.
Note This information describes how to use the new Assignment Editor.
If needed, click
Try the New Assignment Editor in the original Assignment Editor to enable
this improved experience now.
In the Assignment Editor, expand the
Settings section.
Click Cheating Deterrents.
Under Question Display Order, select whether the
assignment should Display all questions at once or
Display one at a time.
- Display all questions at once helps students
manage their time.
- Display one at a time helps students focus on the
current question and makes it difficult to compare assignments.
Turn Shuffle question order on or off
- Off: use the question order you chose in the Assignment Editor. You
might order your assignment questions to build on concepts, or increase in
- On: show questions in a random order for each student and make it
difficult to compare assignments.
Set Display Question Names to
Off, Textbook questions only, or
All questions.
- Turn question names Off to prevent students from
looking up answers to unrandomized textbook questions.
- Display question names for All questions or
Textbook questions only to help with class
discussion and collaboration.
Question names are always visible to instructors.
Turn Randomize Question Values on or off
Randomized values are not available for all questions.
Randomized values do not affect question difficulty.
- Off: encourage class discussion and collaboration. All students are
given the same version of the assignment.
- On: deter cheating by giving each student a different version of the
- Optional:
To require students start over with a new randomization after X
incorrect submissions, select After specified
submissions and enter a number.
- Off: let students use every submission to check their work and
improve their answer to the original question.
- On: discourage guessing by requiring new randomizations.
- Optional:
To let students view the answer to the original question, select
Show answer key before randomizing.
Save customized settings as a template to reuse on other assignments.
Under Settings, click Save as New
This is only shown if you have changed settings from the
Enter your template name.
Click Save Template.
Click Save.