Add, Change, or Remove a Textbook

You cannot change the primary textbook for a course. To add, change, or remove a secondary textbook, contact support.

Primary Textbooks

WebAssign cannot change a course's primary textbook. If your course was created with the wrong textbook, remove that course and create a new one with the correct textbook.

Secondary Textbooks

Adding, changing, or removing a secondary textbook might change the cost of your section and require refunds or additional payment for some students. For this reason, you must submit a request to customer support.
United States
Africa, Europe, and the Middle East
New Zealand
International Customer Support (8am – 6pm EST)
1-800-599-3663 or 1-859-657-4786
Latin America
Note Support Hours

Monday-Friday; 5am-7pm CST (Mexico City Time)

Note Languages

Spanish, English, Portuguese

0800-444-CENGAGE (2364243) option 8
01800-01-CENGAGE (2364243) option 3
01800-CENGAGE (2364243) option 8
  • A Customer Support representative might contact you to request more information or to confirm changes that would affect the cost of access for your students.
  • If the cost for access increases because of your request, students who have already paid for access might be issued refunds and need to purchase access again at the new cost.
  • If the cost for access decreases because of your request, students who have already paid for access are issued refunds for the cost difference.
  • eBooks are not available to students for secondary textbooks.
  • Usually, your request can be processed within 2 to 3 business days.