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Search NGLSync Courses

Search NGLSync courses in your school district. You can find the course key required to copy any course in your district.

  1. If needed, sign in to NGLSync at
  2. In the upper-left corner, click Menu > My District > Courses.
  3. Enter your search criteria.
    You can search for courses by:
    • School
    • Course Name
    • Course Key
    • Teacher Email
    • Teacher First Name
    • Teacher Last Name
    • ISBN (IAC)
  4. To search courses from the past, select Include Inactive.
  5. Click Search.
    Your search results display.
  6. Optional: To sort your results, click a table header.
  7. Optional: To further refine your results, use the Search field.
  8. To view a course, click the course name.