Transfer a Student Between Sections in a Course

Transfer a student from one section to another in the same course. If an assignment is present in both sections, any work that the student has completed on the assignment in the original section automatically transfers to that assignment in the new section. If the student entered an access code for the class, the code is transferred to the new section.

Note If you manage your K–12 course through NGLSync, this feature is available in NGLSync and disabled in your WebAssign course.

You must have permission to modify the rosters of both sections to transfer a student. You might need to request permission from another instructor before transferring the student. See Grant Another Instructor Access to Your Course.

  1. Go to the roster of the section in which the student is currently enrolled.
    1. Click Classes > My Classes.
    2. Under the section the student is enrolled in, click Roster.
  2. Click the student's name you want to transfer.
  3. In the Edit User window, click the Transfer Student tab.
  4. Select the section to which you want to transfer the student.
  5. Click Complete Transfer.

The student is dropped from the original section and added to the section you selected.

If the student purchased access or entered an access code for the old section, that access is transferred to the new section.

You are notified if any of the student's work cannot be transferred.
  • The student's work on assignments will only transfer if assignment IDs match in both sections, even if they have the same names or questions.
  • Student work that does not transfer must be manually moved by the instructor.

If needed, you can transfer a student back to the original section.