Add a Student

You can add a single student to your class in WebAssign.

Note If you manage your K–12 course through NGLSync, this feature is available in NGLSync and disabled in your WebAssign course.

You might have a student enroll or transfer to your course after you uploaded the roster.

Note You cannot change your students' account details like name, email address, or password. Students must update their own Cengage account details.
  1. Open the Roster page.

    From My Classes, click Roster under Class Tools.

  2. Click Add Student.
  3. In the Add User window, enter the student's information.

    If the student does not have a Cengage account, one will be created using the information you enter. If the student already has an account, your name and password entries will be disregarded.

    Student Data Description
    email Required: Student's email address is used as the student's username.
    firstname Required: Student's given name, up to 32 characters.
    lastname Required: Student's surname, up to 32 characters.
    password Required: Enter initial passwords for students with no preexisting account. Must be 6-17 characters and include at least one number and one capital letter.
    Tip Use an algorithmic formula in your spreadsheet to create unique initial passwords for each student, for example, by concatenating the first four letters of the last name and the last four digits of the student ID.
    student id Optional: Student's institutional ID, up to 20 characters.
  4. Click Save.

The student is added to your class roster.

  • If you added a new student, give the student their initial password.
  • If you added an existing student, the student's name and password are not changed.

Either close the Add User window or click Add Another Student.