Let Students Self-Enroll

Instead of creating and distributing usernames and passwords to your students, you can give students a link to enroll themselves in your course.

If you manage your K–12 course through NGLSync, see Share Your Course With Students.

Important Don't turn on self-enrollment for classes that will integrate with a supported Learning Management System (LMS) such as Blackboard® or Canvas™.
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Students enroll themselves without your help. They create their own usernames, if needed, or enroll with their existing username.
  • Your students are responsible for ensuring that their account information is accurate.
  • Students are required to provide an email address.
  • Until you turn off self-enrollment, late additions to your class can enroll themselves immediately after you provide the enrollment link.
  • Your students can enter any username they choose, if it is not already in use.
  • WebAssign does not require students to specify a student ID number.

    If this information is required at your school for uploading scores or grades into institutional gradebooks, ask your students to include this when creating their WebAssign accounts.

Note Choosing self-enrollment does not mean that you relinquish control over who enrolls in your class. You can still add or drop students, and you can change student information except for usernames.
Tip A student could create two accounts — and pay for WebAssign access twice — in order to practice their work using one account and enter their final answers using the other account.

This kind of fraud is unlikely to benefit the student since the two accounts would usually receive differently randomized versions of your assignments. It is also easily detected by comparing your school's roster information with your roster of students in WebAssign. If you suspect this is happening, contact WebAssign.

Best Practice
  • Turn off self-enrollment after the first two weeks of class. You can add individual students later if needed.
  • After turning off self-enrollment, view your roster in WebAssign and drop any students who are not currently enrolled in your course.