Lesson 3 - Radiation and Spectroscopy
Reading Assignment
•Chapter 3.1: Information from the Skies
•Chapter 3.2: Waves in What?
•Chapter 3.3: The Electromagnetic Spectrum
•Discovery 3-1: The Wave Nature of Radiation
•Chapter 3.4: Thermal Radiation
•More Precisely 3-1: The Kelvin Temperature Scale
•More Precisely 3-2: More About the Radiation Laws
•Chapter 4.1: Spectral Lines
•Chapter 4.2: Atoms and Radiation
•Chapter 4.3: The Formation of Spectral Lines
•More Precisely 4-1: The Hydrogen Atom
•Discovery 4-1: The Photoelectric Effect
•Chapter 4.4: Molecules
•Chapter 3.5: The Doppler Effect
•More Precisely 3-3: Measuring Velocities with the Doppler Shift
•Chapter 4.5: Spectral-Line Analysis
Kirchoff's Laws
Read Chapter 4.1.
Kirchhoff's First Law
A luminous solid or liquid, or a sufficiently dense gas, emits light of all wavelengths and so produces a continuous spectrum of radiation.Kirchhoff's Second Law
A low-density, hot gas emits light whose spectrum consists of a series of bright emission lines that are characteristic of the chemical composition of the gas.Kirchhoff's Third Law
A cool, thin gas absorbs certain wavelengths from a continuous spectrum, leaving dark absorption lines in their place, superimposed on the continuous spectrum. Once again, these lines are characteristic of the composition of the intervening gas—they occur at precisely the same wavelengths as the emission lines produced by that gas at higher temperature.Summary of Absorption and Emission Line Series of the Hydrogen Atom
Read Chapter 4.2, Chapter 4.3, and More Precisely 4-1.
Lyman series
•Lyman alpha (Lyα)
•1st excited state ↔ ground state
•10.2 eV or 121.6 nm photon
•Lyman beta (Lyβ)
•2nd excited state ↔ ground state
•12.1 eV or 102.6 nm photon
•Lyman gamma (Lyγ)
•3rd excited state ↔ ground state
•12.8 eV or 97.3 nm photon
•Lyman limit
•Ionization ↔ ground state
•13.6 eV or 91.2 nm photon
•These are all ultraviolet photons.
Balmer series
•Blamer alpha (Hα)
•2nd excited state ↔ 1st excited state
•1.9 eV or 656.5 nm photon
•Balmer beta (Hβ)
•3rd excited state ↔ 1st excited state
•2.6 eV or 486.3 nm photon
•Balmer gamma (Hγ)
•4th excited state ↔ 1st excited state
•2.9 eV or 434.2 nm photon
•Balmer limit
•Ionization ↔ 1st excited state
•3.4 eV or 364.7 nm photon
•These are almost all visible photons.
Paschen series
•Pashen alpha (Paα)
•3rd excited state ↔ 2nd excited state
•0.7 eV or 1875.6 nm photon
•Pashen beta (Paβ)
•4th excited state ↔ 2nd excited state
•1.0 eV or 1282.2 nm photon
•Pashen gamma (Paγ)
•5th excited state ↔ 2nd excited state
•1.1 eV or 1094.1 nm photon
•Pashen limit
•Ionization ↔ 2nd excited state
•1.5 eV or 820.6 nm photon
•These are all infrared photons.
Other Series
•Brackett series (↔ 3rd excited state), Pfund series (↔ 4th excited state), Humphreys series (↔ 5th excited state), etc., are all infrared through radio photons.
•Beyond Humphries, these series are increasingly difficult to measure and do not even have names.
Math Notes
Read Chapter 3.1, Chapter 4.2, and Discovery 4-1.
•Denoted λ (Greek letter lambda)
•Measured in meters
•Wave period
•Denoted P
•Measured in seconds
•Wave frequency
•Denoted ν (Greek letter nu)
•Measured in Hertz (or Hz) = s–1
•ν = 1/P
•Wave energy
•Denoted E
•Measured in Joules (or J) = kg × m2 / s2
•E is proportional to ν
•For light
•h = Planck's constant
( 1 )
E = hν
•Wave speed
•Denoted v
•v = λ × ν
•For light, v = c. Solving for λ and ν yields the following equations.
( 2 )
λ =
c |
ν |
( 3 )
ν =
c |
λ |
Wein's Law
Read Chapter 3.4, More Precisely 3-1, and More Precisely 3-2.
•λpeak= wavelength at which blackbody emits most of its radiation
•T = temperature of blackbody
•λpeak= 2.9 mm / (T / 1 K)
•For stars,λpeakis usually measured in nm and T in 1,000s of K. Hence, you might find this, equivalent, form of Wein's law easier to use.
( 4 )
λpeak =
2900 nm |
(T/1,000 K) |
Stefan's Law
Read Chapter 3.4, More Precisely 3-1, and More Precisely 3-2.
•F = energy flux (energy emitted per unit area and per unit time) of blackbody
•T = temperature of blackbody
•σ (Greek letter sigma) = Stefan-Boltzmann constant
( 5 )
F = σT4
•In this course, you will never need to use the Stefan-Boltzmann constant to solve a problem.
- Example: Person A has a fever and is 1.01 times hotter than Person B. The energy flux coming off of Person A is how many times greater than the energy flux coming off of Person B?
Solution: LetTAandFAbe the temperature and energy flux of Person A. LetTBandFBbe the temperature and energy flux of Person B. Then,FA = σTA4andFB = σTB4.Dividing the latter equation into the former equation yields:FA/FB = σTA4/σTB4 = (TA/TB)4 = 1.014 ≈ 1.04.
- Notice that we did not need to know the constant of proportionality, in this case σ, to solve this problem. This is what is called a ratio problem. Most of the math problems in this course are ratio problems.
The Doppler Effect
Read Chapter 3.5, More Precisely 3-3, and Chapter 4.5.
•λem= emitted wavelength
•λobs= observed wavelength
•Δλ = change in wavelength
•v = speed of source toward or away from observer
•vwave= wave speed
•Δλ / λem = v / vwave
•For light,vwave= c. Solving for Δλ yields the following.
( 6 )
Δλ =
v |
c |
•If the source is moving toward you (or you are moving toward it), the observed wavelength is shorter than the emitted wavelength and hence the light is blueshifted.
( 7 )
λobs = λem − Δλ
•If the source is moving away from you (or you are moving away from it), the observed wavelength is longer than the emitted wavelength and hence the light is redshifted.
( 8 )
λobs = λem + Δλ