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Chemistry Reference Data
Polyatomic Ions

Alphabetical by name of ion   Alphabetical by formula of ion
arsenate AsO4-3   AsO4-3 arsenate
arsenite AsO3-3   AsO3-3 arsenite
borate BO3-3   BO3-3 borate
bromate BrO3-1   BrO3-1 bromate
chlorate ClO3-1   C4H4O6-2 tartrate
chlorite ClO2-1   C2O4-2 oxalate
chromate CrO4-2   ClO4-1 perchlorate
cyanate OCN-1   ClO3-1 chlorate
cyanide CN-1   ClO2-1 chlorite
dichromate Cr2O7-2   ClO-1 hypochlorite
Disulfate S2O7-2   CN-1 cyanide
hexaflourosilicate SiF6-2   CrO4-2 chromate
hydrogen sulfate
HSO4-1   Cr2O7-2 dichromate
hypochlorite ClO-1   HSO4-1 hydrogen sulfate (bisulfate)
iodate IO3-1   Hg2+2 mercury I
manganate MnO4-2   IO3-1 iodate
mercury I Hg2+2   MnO4-1 permanganate
nitrite NO2-1   MnO4-2 manganate
oxalate C2O4-2   NO2-1 nitrite
perchlorate ClO4-1   O2-2 peroxide
permanganate MnO4-1   OCN-1 cyanate
peroxide O2-2   P2O7-4 pyrophosphate
pyrophosphate P2O7-4   SO3-2 sulfite
selenate SeO4-2   S2O7-2 disulfate
sulfite SO3-2   S2O3-2 thiosulfate
tartrate C4H4O6-2   SCN-1 thiocyannate
thiocyannate SCN-1   SeO4-2 selenate
thiosulfate S2O3-2   SiF6-2 hexaflourosilicate

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