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Chemistry Reference Data

These formulas will be given on EOC Exam

D = m/V D = Density

m = mass

V = volume

K = ° C + 273 K = kelvin
V1P1T2 = V2P2T1

PT = P1 + P2 + P3

PV = nRT

u1/u2 = Ö mw2/Ö mw1

T = temperature

P = pressure

V = volume

R = universal gas constant

u = rate of effusion

mw = molecular mass

M = moles of solute/liter of solution

nM1V1 = nM2V2

M = molarity

n = number of moles of ions

q = mD TCp

q = Hfusm

q = quantity of heat

D T = change in temperature

Cp = specific heat

Hfus = heat of fusion

m = mass

c = l f

E = hf

c = speed of light

l = wavelength

f = frequency

E = energy

h = Planck's constant

pH = - log [H+]

pOH = - log [OH-]

Kw = [H+][OH-] = 1 x 10-14

Kw = equilibrium constant for the ionization of water
% error = |error| x 100
                 accepted value
Yield = Actual - Theoretical x 100%

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