Get customized scheduling information that fits the way you work in WebAssign.
Answer 1 to 4 questions to identify the best scheduling workflow for you.
Coordinator Control
Do you schedule assignments directly to all class sections, or create a
master section with assignments that individual instructors can use in their
When Scheduling is Performed
Do you usually start the term by scheduling all your assignments, or do
you schedule assignments periodically throughout the term?
Due Dates for Assignments
Do you schedule all assignments to be due on the same day of the week at
the same time (example: Fridays at 4:30pm), or based on when each class meets
(example: at the start of Monday's class)?
Copy Assignments
Do you want to allow instructors to edit the content of assignments you
schedule to their classes?
"interactionpath" : {
"startwith" : "pushpull",
"paths" : [
When you answer the last question, your customized information will be shown.