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Atkins & de Paula-Atkins' Physical Chemistry 12/e (Homework)

James Finch

Chemistry - College, section 1, Fall 2019

Instructor: Dr. Friendly

Current Score : 1 / 28

Due : Friday, February 1, 2030 00:00 EST

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1/1 –/5 –/1 –/2 –/2 –/3 –/1 –/1 –/1 0/8 –/1 –/2
1/28 (3.6%)
  • Instructions

    Here are some textbook questions from Atkins' Physical Chemistry, 12th edition, by Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula and published by Oxford University Press. This highly respected and established text evolves with every edition to meet the needs of current students.

    Atkins' Physical Chemistry is widely acknowledged by both students and instructors around the globe to be the textbook of choice for studying physical chemistry. Now in its twelfth edition, the text has been enhanced with additional learning features, and the writing style has been refreshed to resonate with the modern student.

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1. 1/1 points  |  Previous Answers AtPChem12 1A.XP.001. My Notes
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A diving bell has an air space of 2.0 m3 when on the deck of a boat. What is the volume of the air space when the bell has been lowered to a depth of 58 m? Take the mean density of sea water to be 1.025 g cm3 and assume that the temperature is the same as on the surface.
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2. /5 points AtPChem12 2E.XP.001. My Notes
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/1 /1 /1 /1 /1
0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100
A sample of 3.1 mol O2 (C°p,m = 29.355 J K1 mol1) is originally confined in 25 dm3 at 270 K and then undergoes adiabatic expansion against a constant pressure of 600 Torr until the volume has increased by a factor of 3.0. Calculate q, w, ΔU, ΔT, and ΔH. (The final pressure of the gas is not necessarily 600 Torr.)
WebAssign will check your answer for the correct number of significant figures. kJ
WebAssign will check your answer for the correct number of significant figures. kJ
WebAssign will check your answer for the correct number of significant figures. kJ
WebAssign will check your answer for the correct number of significant figures. K
WebAssign will check your answer for the correct number of significant figures. kJ
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3. /1 points AtPChem12 3E.XP.001. My Notes
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Calculate the change in Gibbs energy of 36 g of ethanol (mass density 0.789 g cm3) when the pressure is increased isothermally from 1 atm to 3009 atm. (Refer to expansion & compressibility table.)
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4. /2 points AtPChem12 4B.E.004. My Notes
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/1 /1
0/100 0/100
The molar volume of a certain solid is 158.0 cm3 mol1 at 1.00 atm and 350.85 K, its melting temperature. The molar volume of the liquid at this temperature and pressure is 160.3 cm3 mol1. At 100. atm the melting temperature changes to 351.36 K. Calculate the entropy of fusion of the solid.
WebAssign will check your answer for the correct number of significant figures. J K1 mol1
Calculate the enthalpy of fusion of the solid.
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5. /2 points AtPChem12 5A.E.004. My Notes
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Consider a container of volume 4.0 dm3 that is divided into two compartments of equal size. In the left compartment there is nitrogen at 1.0 atm and 30.°C; in the right compartment there is hydrogen at the same temperature and pressure. Calculate the entropy and Gibbs energy of mixing when the when the partition is removed. Assume the gases are perfect.
WebAssign will check your answer for the correct number of significant figures. J·K1
WebAssign will check your answer for the correct number of significant figures. kJ
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6. /3 points AtPChem12 5B.E.024. My Notes
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It is found that the boiling point of a binary solution of A and B with XA = 0.6589 is 88°C. At this temperature, the vapor pressures of pure A and B are 127.7 kPa and 50.59 kPa, respectively.
(a) Is this solution ideal? (Assume ideality if your assessment is within 2% of ideal conditions.)

(b) What is the composition of the vapor above the solution at its boiling point?
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7. /1 points AtPChem12 7D.P.011. My Notes
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Many biological electron transfer reactions, such as those associated with biological energy conversion, may be visualized as arising from electron tunneling between protein-bound co-factors, such as cytochromes, quinones, flavins, and chlorophylls. This tunneling occurs over distances that are often greater than 1.0 nm, with sections of protein separating electron donor from acceptor. For a specific combination of donor and acceptor, the rate of electron tunneling is proportional to the transmission probability, with κ 7 nm1 (Use the equation given below.).
ψ = Ceκx + Deκx      κ
2m(V0 E)
By what factor does the rate of electron tunneling between two co-factors increase as the distance between them changes from 2.0 nm to 1.4 nm? You may assume that the barrier is such that the following equation is appropriate.
T 16ε(1 ε)e2κW
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8. /1 points AtPChem12 7E.E.001. My Notes
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Calculate the zero-point energy of a harmonic oscillator consisting of a particle of mass 2.191026 kg and force constant 169 N m1.
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9. /1 points AtPChem12 8.I.003. My Notes
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Stern-Gerlach splittings of atomic beams are small and require either large magnetic field gradients or long magnets for their observation. For a beam of atoms with zero orbital angular momentum, such as H or Ag, the deflection is given by
x = ±(μBL2/4EK)dB/dz
where μB is the Bohr magneton, L is the length of the magnet, EK is the average kinetic energy of the atoms in the beam, and dB/dz is the magnetic field gradient across the beam.

Calculate the magnetic field gradient (in T·m1) required to produce a splitting of 1.23 mm in a beam of Ag atoms from an oven at 1000. K with a magnet of length 29 cm.
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10. 0/8 points  |  Previous Answers AtPChem12 10A.E.005. My Notes
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/1 /1 0/1 /1 /1 /1 /1 /1
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Select the symmetry elements for the following molecules and the point groups to which they belong. (Select all that apply.)
(a) CHCl3
symmetry element(s)

point group(s)

(b) trans-CHCl=CHCl
symmetry element(s)

point group(s)

(c) NO2
symmetry element(s)

point group(s)

(d) 1,4-difluorobenzene
symmetry element(s)

point group(s)

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11. /1 points AtPChem12 11D.E.001. My Notes
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How many normal modes of vibration are there for H2O?
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12. /2 points AtPChem12 12D.E.002. My Notes
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A radical containing two equivalent 1H nuclei shows a three-line spectrum with an intensity distribution 1:2:1. The lines occur at 330.2 mT, 332.5 mT, and 334.8 mT. What is the hyperfine coupling constant for the proton?
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What is the g-value of the radical given that the spectrometer is operating at 9.324 GHz?
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