College Prep Algebra: Mathematics for College Readiness - Florida Edition, 2nd edition, by Ron Larson and published by
Cengage Learning, is designed specifically to give students what they need to learn algebra, all within reach. Examples and exercises in this second edition have been revised to better prepare students. The program carefully integrates technology that engages students and helps inform learning.
College Prep Algebra meets the needs of students by reinforcing algebra concepts to prepare them for career and college readiness.
Question 1 features a Master It tutorial and numerical grading that requires an exact number.
Question 2 displays the ability to grade integers.
Question 3 shows a prompt for how to enter a response when there is no numerical answer for a question.
Question 4 uses the MathPad's ability to grade all prime factors entered as a product.
Question 5 displays an answer that must be entered in simplest form to be graded as correct.
Question 6 features a Master It tutorial and shows how images can be randomized for the student.
Question 7 shows how multiple numerical answer blanks can be used to build a mathematical equation.
Question 8 displays how the MathPad can grade numbers containing exponents.
Question 9 is a multiple choice question.
Question 10 shows how students can be prompted to enter an answer rounded to a specific number of decimal places.
Question 11 features the ability to grade multiple answers entered as a comma-separated list.
Question 12 showcases how the MathPad can grade equations and enforce they are entered in a specific form.
This demo assignment allows many submissions and allows you to try another version of the same question for practice wherever the problem has randomized values.
The answer key and solutions will display after the first submission for demonstration purposes. Instructors can configure these to display after the due date or after a specified number of submissions. |