The lunar highlandsHigh-elevation lunar landscapes dominated by craters and mountains. were formed by meteor impacts, not plate tectonics.
The mariaLow-elevation lunar landscapes dominated by smooth fields of hardened lava bearing relatively few craters., on the other hand, were formed by outflows of lava, implying that the Moon's interior was warmer at some point in the past than it is now
Because the Moon is small, it has cooled off too quickly to possess convection currents.
Mercury is nearly as small as the Moon, and the two bodies share similar surface features.
A photograph of Mercury.
You could be excused for thinking that the photo above is of Earth's Moon: its rugged mountains and bright, round craters look eerily familiar. Yet this is an image of our solar system's innermost planet, Mercury, taken in 2009 by the MESSENGER spacecraft. Neither object has enough mass to have retained an atmosphere, which would slow down, deflect, or break up many of the small solid objects that carved out the craters. Because of this, Mercury and our Moon both provide a valuable record of our solar system's early history, when orbiting chunks of rubble were much more numerous than they are today.
Let's study the Moon first. There are two very distinct types of terrain on the Moon. The light-colored areas are known as highlands. They consist largely of low-density, light-colored rocks. These materials rose to the surface when all was molten rock, and then solidified. The image below shows a typical highlands landscape. Because they solidified before the time of the Late Heavy Bombardment—a temporary surge in the impact rate, about 4 billion years ago—the highlands are heavily cratered.
A photograph of a heavily-cratered highlands landscape of the Moon.
While highlands cover essentially all the Moon's far side (the side that never faces Earth), the near side is dominated by dark areas known as maria (Latin for "seas"). These are huge, flat plains of hardened lava. When this lava flowed onto the surface of the Moon three billion years ago, the low-lying basins, produced by very large impacts, were filled in. However, the lava never reached the highlands.
The distribution of the craters tells us a lot about the history of the Moon. Note how the amount of cratering in the highlands is much greater than that in the maria. The highlands preserve the record of an earlier time, when the solar system was filled with debris. By the time the maria formed, much of the debris from planet formation had been swept up by the planets or ejected from the solar system. As a result, the maria are only sparsely cratered.
In the view from Apollo 15's Lunar Module shown below, the Command and Service Module assembly appears in front of the Sea of Fertility (Mare Fecunditatus).
A photograph from Apollo 15's Lunar Module that shows the Command and Service Module assembly in front of the Sea of Fertility.
Mercury is very similar to the Moon in that it has both extensive cratering and maria. It also cooled rapidly, due to its small size (2,400 km, compared to the Moon's 1,700 km). Another consequence of these bodies' small sizes is the lack of an atmosphere: neither had enough gravity to hold onto one.
Mercury's rapid cooling gave rise to some very interesting geologic features. Known as lobate scarps, these are giant, curved cliffs, as high as 3 km and hundreds of kilometers long. They formed when Mercury's crust wrinkled because of rapid cooling, much like the drying out of a raisin. (The image below shows a scarp curving upward across the lower-right quadrant, casting a shadow where the planet's surface descends abruptly.)
An image of Mercury's surface that shows a scarp curving upward across the lower-right quadrant, casting a shadow where the planet's surface descends abruptly.
Although Earth has the highest density (5.5 g/cm3) of any planet in the solar system, this was achieved over time, through gravitational compression. Earth's uncompressed density would be about 4.0 g/cm3. Mercury's density of 5.3 g/cm3 has been achieved with very little compression and likely implies a large iron core.
The Mariner 10 spacecraft detected a magnetic field when it flew by Mercury decades ago. Although 200 times weaker than the Earth's magnetic field, Mercury's is stronger than any of the other terrestrial planets' magnetic fields. This provides additional indirect evidence for an iron core.