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OpenStax - Astronomy 1/e (Homework)

James Finch

Astronomy, section 1, Fall 2019

Instructor: Dr. Friendly

Current Score : 36 / 37

Due : Monday, January 28, 2030 00:00 EST

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    In this Sample Assignment in WebAssign, you will see several different question types found in Open Stax Astronomy that provide scaffolding to build students’ skills, confidence and conceptual understanding. This demo assignment allows many submissions and allows you to try another version of the same question for practice wherever the problem has randomized values.

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1. 5/5 points  |  Previous Answers OSAstro1 4.E.002. My Notes
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1/5 1/5 1/5 4/5 1/5
[This question has multiple parts and problem types. It includes a numeric part, multiple-choice drop-down distractors, and an essay box for student input. It tests students on the what and the why, asking students in the essay portion to explain their understanding of the conceptin this case specifically, "Why does longitude have no meaning at the North and South Poles?"]
What is the latitude (in degrees) of the North Pole?
Correct: Your answer is correct. ° Correct: Your answer is correct.
What is the latitude (in degrees) of the South Pole?
Correct: Your answer is correct. ° Correct: Your answer is correct.
Why does longitude have no meaning at the North and South Poles?

Score: 1 out of 1


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2. 2/2 points  |  Previous Answers OSAstro1 4.E.014. My Notes
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[This is a multiple-choice question that gives students a customized learning experience, since it has randomized variables in red.]
What fraction of the Moon's visible face is illuminated during third quarter phase?
     Correct: Your answer is correct.
Why is this phase called third quarter?
     Correct: Your answer is correct.
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3. 2/2 points  |  Previous Answers OSAstro1 4.E.034. My Notes
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[This is a multiple-choice, qualitative-reasoning question.]
Describe what an observer at the crater Copernicus would see while the Moon is eclipsed on Earth.
     Correct: Your answer is correct.
What would the same observer see during what would be a total solar eclipse as viewed from Earth?
     Correct: Your answer is correct.
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4. 3/3 points  |  Previous Answers OSAstro1 4.E.038. My Notes
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[This question is a fill-in-the-blank numeric problem.]
What is the right ascension and declination (in degrees) of the Sun at noon on the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere?
right ascension Correct: Your answer is correct. ° declination Correct: Your answer is correct. ° Correct: Your answer is correct.
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5. 1/1 points  |  Previous Answers OSAstro1 4.E.041. My Notes
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[This is a multiple-choice, qualitative-reasoning question.]
Regions north of the Arctic Circle are known as the "land of the midnight Sun." Explain what this means from an astronomical perspective.
     Correct: Your answer is correct.
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6. 1/1 points  |  Previous Answers OSAstro1 4.E.051. My Notes
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[This is a multiple-choice question that gives students a customized learning experience, since it has randomized variables in red.]
If a star rises at 10:30 p.m. tonight, approximately what time will it rise three months from now?
     Correct: Your answer is correct.
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7. /1 points seedshorizons14 3.li.ql.001.defective My Notes
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[This is an engaging Quick Lesson animation video, complete with text transcript. Students are guided through a concept, or series of concepts, in a brief animation video and then asked to summarize what they've learned in an essay box so you can gauge their comprehension.]
Consider the following video.
Summarize what you learned in this video.

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8. 3/3 points  |  Previous Answers seedsfoundations14 3.tut.001.defective My Notes
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1/5 1/5 1/5
[This is a step-by-step tutorial that coaches the student through every step of the most essential of astronomical problems. These highly structured, scaffolded learning activities give strong support to the student with emerging or dormant quantitative-reasoning skills.]
The Moon appears to be 0.51° wide in the sky. If the Moon's diameter is 3,480 km, how far away is it from the Earth in kilometers?
Part 1 of 3
We can use the small angle approximation to relate the physical size and distance of objects in the sky to their angular size.
angular diameter
2.06 105 arc seconds/radian
Part 2 of 3
If the Moon is 0.51° across on the sky, we need to first figure out how big that is in arc seconds. (Give the number of arc seconds in one degree, and then give the angular diameter in arc seconds.)
1 degree = Nas arc seconds
= 3600 Correct: Your answer is correct. seenKey


arc seconds
θas = θdeg · Nas arc seconds/degree
θas =
1836 Correct: Your answer is correct. seenKey


arc seconds
Part 3 of 3
How far away (in km) is the Moon (3,480 km linear diameter) from the Earth if it has this angular diameter on the sky?
Solving for D in the small angle formula gives us:
dkm · 2.06 105 arc seconds/radian
Dkm =
390000 Correct: Your answer is correct. seenKey


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9. 8/8 points  |  Previous Answers seedsfoundations14 3.tut.002.defective My Notes
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1/5 2/5 2/5 2/5 2/5 1/5 1/5 1/5
[This is a step-by-step tutorial that coaches the student through every step of the most essential of astronomical problems. These highly structured, scaffolded learning activities give strong support to the student with emerging or dormant quantitative-reasoning skills.]
If the Earth is 1.50 108 km from the Sun, will the Moon (linear diameter 3,480 km) completely cover the Sun during a solar eclipse if it is 383,000 km from the Earth?
Part 1 of 4
We can use the small angle approximation to relate the physical size and distance of objects in the sky to their angular size:
angular diameter
2.06 105 arc seconds/radian
where d is the linear diameter of the object and D is its distance from Earth.
Part 2 of 4
During a solar eclipse, the Earth is 1.50 108 km from the Sun. What is the Sun's angular diameter in degrees if its linear diameter is 1.39 106 km?
First, we need to know how many arc seconds are in 1 degree.
1 degree = 3600 Correct: Your answer is correct. seenKey


arc seconds
Solving the small angle formula for the angular diameter and converting to degrees gives us:
angular diameter = 
dkm(2.06 105 arc seconds/radian)
angular diameter = 
1390000 Correct: Your answer is correct. seenKey


(2.06 105 arc seconds/radian)
150000000 Correct: Your answer is correct. seenKey


θas = 1909 Correct: Your answer is correct. seenKey


arc seconds
θdeg = 0.53 Correct: Your answer is correct. seenKey


Part 3 of 4
If the Moon is 383,000 km from the Earth, we can use the small angle formula to determine the angular size in degrees.
angular diameter = 
dMkm(2.06 105 arc seconds/radian)
θMas =
1872 Correct: Your answer is correct. seenKey


arc seconds
θMdeg =
0.52 Correct: Your answer is correct. seenKey


Part 4 of 4
In this configuration, would the Moon completely cover the Sun?
     Correct: Your answer is correct.
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10. 2/2 points  |  Previous Answers SeedsFoundations14 VAL.5.001. My Notes
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Welcome to Lab 5: Planetary Geology

Even though the planets in our solar system have different physical properties in terms of radius, mass, and density, they often have similar characteristics with respect to planetary geology. By thoroughly studying the geology of Earth, we can leverage that knowledge to understand conditions on other planets.
Images of the four terrestrial planets side by side:
  • Mercury,
  • Venus,
  • Earth,
  • and Mars.
This lab will focus on the geology of Earth, since this is the planet that we know the most about. We will study the techniques that are used to learn about Earth's inner structure, and the processes that have caused Earth to evolve since it formed. While studying the terrestrial planets, our approach will utilize comparative planetology, noting the similarities and differences of these planets.
  • After conducting this Virtual Astronomy Laboratory, the learner will be able to …
    1. LO5.1 … explain how the surface of Earth gives clues to the structure of the interior.
    2. LO5.2 … describe the different regions of the interior of Earth.
    3. LO5.3 … list the lines of evidence (on Earth) favoring the theory of plate tectonics.
    4. LO5.4 … compare and contrast the surfaces and interiors of the other terrestrial planets with those of Earth.
  • Waves generated by earthquakes travel through Earth and carry information about the interior to the surface.
    We can learn about the interior of Earth by studying the transmission of seismic waves through Earth. These waves are most often produced by earthquakes, but can also be caused by impacts or explosions.
    Seismologists identify two different types of relevant seismic waves:
    • P waves (pressure or compression waves) are longitudinal waves. This means that the medium through which the wave travels moves back and forth in the same direction the wave itself is traveling. (Sound waves are longitudinal waves.)
    • S waves (shear waves) are transverse waves, meaning that the medium moves at right angles to the wave's direction of propagation. (Radio waves are transverse waves; so is the wriggle that you make when you and a friend hold opposite ends of a rope and one of you shakes it up and down.)
    Generate and observe each type of wave using the simulator below.
    When an earthquake occurs, both P waves and S waves propagate through Earth. Both types of waves may undergo reflection and refraction at the boundaries of layers that have different densities. Both waves also refract (or bend) as they travel through Earth; this is due to the increase in density with depth.
    In general, P waves move faster than S waves. Another difference between the two is that pressure (compression) waves can travel through either solid or liquid material, whereas shear waves cannot propagate through liquids.
    Seismograms are collected from all over the world when earthquakes occur. They allow us to study whether or not both types of waves have been detected. They also reveal the relative arrival times of the two types.
  • The interior of Earth is divided into four concentric layers: the crustThe outermost solid shell of a rocky planet or planetoid, the mantleThe layer of dense rock and metal oxides that lies between the molten core and the surface of Earth, the outer (or liquid) coreThe fluid layer of dense metals inside Earth, below the mantle and above the solid core, and inner (or solid) coreSolid metallic material at the very center of Earth.
    From P and S wave measurements and other data, seismologists can identify four distinct regions of Earth's interior. From the center outward, they are:
    • Solid (Inner) Core: a hot region, largely composed of nickel and iron, that extends from the center of Earth to a radius of about 1,200 km.
    • Liquid (Outer) Core: a liquid nickel- and iron-rich region that extends from a radius of 1,200 km to about 3,500 km.
    • Mantle: a lower-temperature region primarily composed of silicates, which are less dense than nickel and iron. The mantle extends halfway through Earth, almost to Earth's surface.
    • Crust: the brittle, low-density outer layer of Earth, 20 to 70 km thick (depending on location). The crust also is composed mainly of silicates.
    Region Percent Mass Temperature Density
    Crust 0.5% 500 K 2.5 g/cm3
    Mantle 67.0% 3,000 K 4.5 g/cm3
    Outer Core 30.8% 5,200 K 10.9 g/cm3
    Inner Core 1.7% 5,700 K 12.9 g/cm3
    Four layers of Earth are shown as concentric filled circles. From outside in the layers are:
    1. crust,
    2. mantle,
    3. outer core,
    4. and inner core.
  • This simulation allows you to measure seismic waves on an unexplored planet in order to determine the structure of the interior.
    To use it, click on each of the three probes and place them at different distances from the "top" of the planet. Note that a vertical bar appears on the graph whenever you move one of the probes. This shows how far the probe lies from the planet's "north pole," in units of degrees of arc (180° is the "south pole" at the "bottom" of the globe).
    Next, click the Make Waves button to create a burst of seismic waves from the top of the planet.
    As the probes detect the S waves from this burst, their arrival times will appear as functions of delta, the angular distance from the pole.
    Move the probes to three new delta values and repeat the process. Do this a few more times, until you have probed at least 12 different positions ranging from delta = 0 to delta = 180.
    If no data point appears at a delta value where a probe is located, that doesn't necessarily mean you've made an error. Rather, the seismic wave may have failed to reach that position. (Based on what you read under the heading Seismic Waves above, can you guess why?)
    Once you have completed the graph, click on the Next Page button () to interpret your data. Instructions continue below.
    Once you have turned to Page 2 of the Unknown Planet Interior activity, note the Core Radius and S Wave Velocity sliders; your data (+ symbols); and a red line, tilting upwardthe predictions of a mathematical model for wave propagation through the unknown planet.
    Adjust the Core Radius slider until you mark off the area where you were unable to detect seismic waves. The existence of this shadow zone implies that a liquid core exists at the center of the planet, and the size of this zone determines the radius of this fluid zone.
    Now adjust the S Wave Velocity slider until the red curve lies as close as possible to your data points. The S wave velocity that gives the best fit is your measurement of the wave speed within the planet's solid portion. Wave speeds can help planetary geologists determine the density of the solid material.
    The Core Radius that best fits my data is Correct: Your answer is correct. km.
    The S Wave Velocity that best fits my data is Correct: Your answer is correct. km/s.
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11. 4/4 points  |  Previous Answers SeedsFoundations14 VAL.5.002. My Notes
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1/5 3/5 1/5 1/5

Earth: A Restless World

Although seismic waves are the most direct measure of Earth's interior, the surface carries other clues about the structure underneath.
The interior of Earth still retains much of the heat of its formation, and heat is being generated by the decay of radioactive elements at Earth's core. This thermal energy is constantly being transported to the surface through the processes of conductionThe transfer of thermal energy that occurs when objects at different temperatures come into contact. and convection. This energy has several measurable effects, such as Earth's magnetic field, plate tectonics, earthquakes, and volcanoes.
A photograph of lava spewing out of a volcano.
Once we evaluate the evidence for Earth's ongoing evolution, we will compare it to what we see and sense at the other terrestrial planetsthe other three rocky worlds found orbiting within the inner Solar System.
  • Earth's magnetic field is evidence that convection occurs within Earth's iron-rich outer core.
    The illustration below depicts convection currents in the outer (liquid) core. Like boiling molasses on a stove top, this layer of hot, dense material has rising currents that transport thermal energy outward.
    This circulation of the liquid iron-nickel alloys constitutes an electric current. Because of this, the outer-core convection is thought to be responsible for Earth's magnetic field. When coupled with Earth's rapid spin, this process gives rise to an electromagnetic phenomenon known as the dynamo effectThe process by which a rotating and convecting mass of electrically conductive matter can generate a magnetic field..
    An image of Earth in which one-eighth of Earth is cut away to reveal the Earth's inner layers. Circular arrows in the liquid outer core represent convection currents.
    You may wonder how it can be that Earth's hotter inner core is solid, while the relatively cooler outer core is liquid. Remember that the particular phase of matter (solid, liquid, or gas) depends on both temperature and pressure. The material in the inner core is under much higher pressures than that of the outer core and, thus, has a much higher melting point.
  • Convection also occurs in Earth's mantle, where it pushes pieces of the crust around, giving rise to continental driftThe erratic but recurring motion of Earth's continents driven by mantle convection..
    Although Earth's mantle is composed of solid material, it is in a "plastic" state that flows when under stress. When hot plumes of mantle material rise to the surface, they push against the crust and then descend, creating slow convection currents of their own. These currents shift pieces of crust about in a process known as plate tectonicsThe constant destruction and renewal of Earth's surface by the motion of sections of crust..
    The animated global map below shows how Earth's landmasses have moved about since the early Jurassic Period. Note, toward the end, the relatively recent collision between the Indian subcontinent and Eurasia, giving rise to the world's highest mountainsthe Himalayas. Note, too, the especially tight fit of Africa's western coastline and the east coast of South America.
    Regions where two plates are separating from each other are called rift zones. Molten rock rises to fill the gap between the plates. It then solidifies, forming new crust. Rift zones are commonly found in the oceans and, thus, cause the oceans to grow.
    Subduction zones are regions where one plate is being forced beneath another. The amount of crust created at rift zones roughly equals the amount destroyed at subduction zones. In the animated illustration above, subduction zones lie underneath coastal mountain ranges. Note that the convection currents dive down at those locations, carrying crustal material with them.
    Plates move only a few centimeters per year, but interactions between them can cause dramatic changes to Earth's surface. Volcanoes and earthquakes are two of the phenomena that owe their origins to mantle convection and continental drift.
    • Volcanoes provide one way to trace subduction zones as well as the boundaries between tectonic plates.
    • Earthquakes are caused by friction between two adjacent plates, and thus also mark plate boundaries.
    When a plate is subducted, it is forced downward into a region of higher temperature and pressure. Ultimately it melts a few hundred kilometers beneath the surface. Molten rock often breaks through the surface near subduction zones to form volcanoes and, eventually, new mountain ranges.
    Taken from the International Space Station, the photo below shows ash and steam rising from Sarychev Volcano in Russia's Kuril Islands, northeast of Japan. This volcano lies near an active subduction zone.
    A photo taken from the International Space Station showing ash and steam rising from Sarychev Volcano.
    Earthquakes occur near subduction zones and faults: locations where two plates slide past one another. Occasionally, frictional forces will cause the plates on either side of a fault to stick together and halt the motion. Pressure will build up over time until, suddenly, the plates rip free and resume their original motion. This sudden motion is what causes an earthquake.
  • Explore the global nature of plate tectonics on Earth with the interactive map below. Check various features on and off in tandem to seek relationships. Then complete the following exercises.

    Plate Tectonics Explorer

    According to the interactive map, one major ocean on Earth is almost entirely surrounded by plate boundaries. Which ocean is it?
         Correct: Your answer is correct.
    Volcanoes and earthquakes are both consequences of plate tectonics. However, one of these two phenomena more completely traces plate boundaries than the other does. Which is it?
         Correct: Your answer is correct.
    Japan is well-known for having large numbers of earthquakes. Which one of the following statements best explains this?
         Correct: Your answer is correct.
    Earth has one major chain of volcanoes in a region where the map shows no plate boundaries. Where is this volcano chain?
         Correct: Your answer is correct.
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12. 5/5 points  |  Previous Answers SeedsFoundations14 VAL.5.003. My Notes
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Comparative Planetology

Because of the similarities in the ways that the terrestrial planets formed, we can use our knowledge of the Earth's geology to learn about the geology of other rocky planets.
The planets in our solar system formed 4.6 billion years ago, from a swirling disk of material known as the solar nebulaThe rotating cloud of gas and dust from which the Sun, the planets, and minor bodies such as asteroids and comets all formed.. As the solar nebula cooled, gases condensed into solid grains of material that gradually combined into larger structures in a process known as accretionThe accumulation of small particles or bits of matter, resulting in the formation or growth of a larger body..
The diagram below lists many of the evolutionary processes that terrestrial planets and large, rocky moons experience. Although time is always increasing as you move down the chart, the time scale is different for each body. The importance of each labeled process also varies for each body.
A large vertical arrow points down, and evolutionary processes of terrestrial planets and large, rocky moons are listed to the right. In descending order the processes are:
  • Accretion
  • Heating, Differentiation
  • Solid Crust Forms
  • Bombardment by Solar System Debris
  • Volcanic Flooding
  • Possibility of Plate Tectonics
  • Solidification of Mantle
  • Cold Interior, Geologically Dead
Images of Mercury and the Earth are approximately to the left of "Volcanic Flooding". Images of Mars and Venus are approximately to the left of "Solidification of Mantle".
The remainder of this lab will broadly survey each of the terrestrial planets and the Moon, looking for evidence of these evolutionary processes and comparing them to the Earth.
  • The interiors of smaller planets cool faster than those of larger planets, and the cooling rate directly affects each planet's interior structure.
    Each of the terrestrial planets had a certain amount of heat energy at the time of its formation, and each has gained some additional energy because of the decay of radioactive elements. Both of these heat sources depend on the volume of material presentthat is, on the size of the object, from center to edge.
    The surface area from which the object can cool (radiate away this heat) also increases with size. However, as the size of an object increases, its volume grows more rapidly than its surface area. Consequently, small solar-system objects have cooled much more rapidly than larger ones.
    Use the interactive calculator below to visualize the ratio of volume to area for a planet-sized sphere. Note that this ratio has dimensions of length (kilometers in this case). For every square kilometer of surface, a large spherical body will contain more cubic km of materialand each of those carries a fixed amount of thermal energy that ultimately will find its way into outer space.
    Our Moon cooled very rapidly because of its small size. Measurements made by NASA's Lunar Prospector suggest that the Moon has a very small metallic core. This core is solid out to 440 km from the center and is partially molten at radii between 440 and 700 km. This notion of a smaller core is consistent with the fact that the Moon has no global magnetic field.
    • The lunar highlandsHigh-elevation lunar landscapes dominated by craters and mountains. were formed by meteor impacts, not plate tectonics.
    • The mariaLow-elevation lunar landscapes dominated by smooth fields of hardened lava bearing relatively few craters., on the other hand, were formed by outflows of lava, implying that the Moon's interior was warmer at some point in the past than it is now
    • Because the Moon is small, it has cooled off too quickly to possess convection currents.
    • Mercury is nearly as small as the Moon, and the two bodies share similar surface features.
    A photograph of Mercury.
    You could be excused for thinking that the photo above is of Earth's Moon: its rugged mountains and bright, round craters look eerily familiar. Yet this is an image of our solar system's innermost planet, Mercury, taken in 2009 by the MESSENGER spacecraft. Neither object has enough mass to have retained an atmosphere, which would slow down, deflect, or break up many of the small solid objects that carved out the craters. Because of this, Mercury and our Moon both provide a valuable record of our solar system's early history, when orbiting chunks of rubble were much more numerous than they are today.
    Let's study the Moon first. There are two very distinct types of terrain on the Moon. The light-colored areas are known as highlands. They consist largely of low-density, light-colored rocks. These materials rose to the surface when all was molten rock, and then solidified. The image below shows a typical highlands landscape. Because they solidified before the time of the Late Heavy Bombardmenta temporary surge in the impact rate, about 4 billion years agothe highlands are heavily cratered.
    A photograph of a heavily-cratered highlands landscape of the Moon.
    While highlands cover essentially all the Moon's far side (the side that never faces Earth), the near side is dominated by dark areas known as maria (Latin for "seas"). These are huge, flat plains of hardened lava. When this lava flowed onto the surface of the Moon three billion years ago, the low-lying basins, produced by very large impacts, were filled in. However, the lava never reached the highlands.
    The distribution of the craters tells us a lot about the history of the Moon. Note how the amount of cratering in the highlands is much greater than that in the maria. The highlands preserve the record of an earlier time, when the solar system was filled with debris. By the time the maria formed, much of the debris from planet formation had been swept up by the planets or ejected from the solar system. As a result, the maria are only sparsely cratered.
    In the view from Apollo 15's Lunar Module shown below, the Command and Service Module assembly appears in front of the Sea of Fertility (Mare Fecunditatus).
    A photograph from Apollo 15's Lunar Module that shows the Command and Service Module assembly in front of the Sea of Fertility.
    Mercury is very similar to the Moon in that it has both extensive cratering and maria. It also cooled rapidly, due to its small size (2,400 km, compared to the Moon's 1,700 km). Another consequence of these bodies' small sizes is the lack of an atmosphere: neither had enough gravity to hold onto one.
    Mercury's rapid cooling gave rise to some very interesting geologic features. Known as lobate scarps, these are giant, curved cliffs, as high as 3 km and hundreds of kilometers long. They formed when Mercury's crust wrinkled because of rapid cooling, much like the drying out of a raisin. (The image below shows a scarp curving upward across the lower-right quadrant, casting a shadow where the planet's surface descends abruptly.)
    An image of Mercury's surface that shows a scarp curving upward across the lower-right quadrant, casting a shadow where the planet's surface descends abruptly.
    Although Earth has the highest density (5.5 g/cm3) of any planet in the solar system, this was achieved over time, through gravitational compression. Earth's uncompressed density would be about 4.0 g/cm3. Mercury's density of 5.3 g/cm3 has been achieved with very little compression and likely implies a large iron core.
    The Mariner 10 spacecraft detected a magnetic field when it flew by Mercury decades ago. Although 200 times weaker than the Earth's magnetic field, Mercury's is stronger than any of the other terrestrial planets' magnetic fields. This provides additional indirect evidence for an iron core.
    • Mars and Venus both show evidence of geologically recent volcanism.
    • Neither Mars nor Venus shows evidence of plate tectonics, however.
    • Mars and Venus both have retained atmospheres, but the former is much colder and less dense than Earth's, whereas the latter is much hotter and denser.
    Mars is intermediate in size between the Moon and Mercury (on the small side) and Earth and Venus (on the large side). One would therefore expect Mars to have been internally active for an intermediate length of time as well.
    An image of Olympus Mons, the largest of the volcanoes in the Tharsis region on Mars. A superposition of the outline of the state of Arizona, USA is superimposed on the image to show that Olympus Mons is approximately equal in area to that state.
    There is considerable evidence of past volcanic activity on Mars, but evidence of recent activity can be seen only in the Tharsis region, where there are several huge volcanoes. These are all shield volcanoes created by hot spots poking through the crust. (The Hawaiian island chain is a row of shield volcanoes created as the Pacific Plate slides across a hot spot beneath the Pacific Ocean.)
    On Earth, crustal plates don't stop moving long enough to allow a truly gigantic shield volcano to grow. However, Mars has never had plate tectonics. In addition, the crust of Mars must also be considerably thicker than Earth's in order to support the weight of these large volcanoes.
    The scarcity of cratering on the volcano Olympus Mons (shown above) indicates that it has been active within the last 200 million years. Although fresh volcanic activity has not been observed on Mars, there is no reason to assume that it won't occur again in the Tharsis region.
    Most of what we know about Venus comes from the Magellan space probe, which created radar maps of almost the entire surface. Its maps resolve features as small as football fields. The image below shows the planet's surface, as mapped by Magellan's radar. (The color is not intended to show what the surface would look like to the human eye. Rather, it was chosen to highlight differences in texture.)
    An image of Venus highlighting differences in texture.
    Very few impact craters are found on Venus. It appears that all crater evidence was erased about half a billion years ago, in an episode of volcanic resurfacing. Models of the interior suggest that Venus may undergo brief periods of intense volcanic activity every couple of hundred million years, with more calm periods in between. (Venus has more than 500 volcanoes with diameters greater than 20 km, and many smaller ones as well.)
    Venus shows no evidence of a crust broken into plates. In fact, the crust motion appears to be largely vertical. Most of the planet's geological features have been created by rising plumes of magma that distort the crust.
  • Consider the following table.
    Planet or
    Relative Mass
    (Earth = 1.00)
    Atmosphere Crater Density Volcanism Plate Tectonics
    Earth's Moon 0.012 No high No No
    Mercury 0.055 No high No No
    Mars 0.107 Yes low Yes No
    Venus 0.816 Yes low Yes No
    Earth 1.000 Yes low Yes Yes
    The presence of an atmosphere appears to Correct: Your answer is correct. the number of craters on the surface of a planet or satellite.
    A planet or satellite is likelier to retain an atmosphere if it has a Correct: Your answer is correct. mass.
    A planet or satellite is likelier to exhibit volcanism if its mass is Correct: Your answer is correct. .
    Of the five bodies listed above, only one exhibits plate boundaries and continental drift. Which is it?
         Correct: Your answer is correct.
    The planet that exhibits these signs of plate tectonics also has the Correct: Your answer is correct. .
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