Known for its accessible, precise approach, Susanna Epp's
Discrete Mathematics With Applications, 5th Edition, published by
Cengage Learning introduces discrete mathematics with clarity and precision. Coverage emphasizes the major themes of discrete mathematics as well as the reasoning that underlies mathematical thought. Students learn to think abstractly as they study the ideas of logic and proof. While learning about logic circuits and computer addition, algorithm analysis, recursive thinking, computability, automata, cryptography, and combinatorics, students discover that ideas of discrete mathematics are essential to and underlie today's science and technology. The author's emphasis on reasoning provides a foundation for computer science and upper-level mathematics courses.
Question 1 has a Watch It, a video showing the solution of a similar problem.
Question 2 assesses closure and parity of integers.
Question 3 features a combination proof that scaffolds the writing experience and balances guidance with rigor. Students identify the first step, determine the final goal to develop a rough outline, complete the next few steps with drop-down multiple-choice menus and an open-ended algebraic blank, and finally provide the second half of the proof in essay form.
Question 4 gives a scrambled list of nine statements, only six of which belong in the proof. Students must construct a proof with the correct statements and then explain why the remaining three statements do not belong in the proof.
Question 5 presents an attempted proof to analyze. Students identify and explain both the mistakes and the correct components of the given proof, and then they use their answers to rewrite the proof.
Question 6 provides feedback when an equivalent answer is entered but it is not in the required format.
Question 7 is an Expanded Problem that requires the student to show intermediate answers necessary to complete the question.
here for a list of all of the questions coded in WebAssign.
This demo assignment allows many submissions and allows you to try another version of the same question for practice wherever the problem has randomized values.
The answer key and solutions will display after the first submission for demonstration purposes. Instructors can configure these to display after the due date or after a specified number of submissions. |