Offering a uniquely modern, balanced approach, Tussy and Koenig's
Basic Mathematics with Early Integers, 6th edition, published by
Cengage Learning, integrates the best of traditional drill and practice with the best elements of the reform movement. To many developmental math students, mathematics is like a foreign language. They have difficulty translating the words, their meanings, and how they apply to problem solving. Emphasizing the "language of mathematics," the text's fully integrated learning process is designed to expand students' reasoning abilities and teach them how to read, write, and think mathematically. It blends instructional approaches that include vocabulary, practice, and well-defined pedagogy with an emphasis on reasoning, modeling, communication, and technology skills.
Question 1 demonstrates list grading in the final answer blank.
Question 2 encourages the student to use a factor tree. The final answer blank uses grading which accounts for all prime factors entered as a product.
Question 3 complements question 3 by presenting the student with a division ladder to factor. Again, the final answer blank uses grading which accounts for all prime factors entered as a product.
Question 4 presents the student with a real world problem.
Question 5 uses grading specifically for improper fractions.
Question 6 shows the format used for grading mixed numbers.
Question 7 personalizes the learning experience for your students by asking them to use their own real data, which provides the variables they will use to answer each question part.
This demo assignment allows many submissions and allows you to try another version of the same question for practice wherever the problem has randomized values.