Applied Calculus, 7th Edition, by Stefan Waner and Steven Constenoble and published by
Cengage Learning helps your students see the relevance of mathematics to their interests. A large number of the applications are based on real, referenced data from business, economics, and the life and social sciences.
The WebAssign component for this title includes an eBook with reading links, video links, and a Personal Study Plan (PSP) for students. Instructors enjoy WebAssign Course Packs with ready-to-use assignments built by subject matter experts specifically for this textbook and can be easily customized to meet your teaching goals.
Question 1 showcases the use of the calcPad, which allows students to enter and get credit for any answer mathematically equivalent to the answer key.
Question 2 is another example of the ability to accept a "word answer" (in this case, INFINITY). The answer is not case-sensitive.
Question 3 is a multi-part question that highlights many WebAssign features. Please take particular note of the ability to require the student to select the correct answer(s) in part (a) without being told how many correct answers exist. Additionally, the ability to have students answer the "Interpret" questions in a meaningful way that does not require the use of essay mode is featured here.
Question 4 demonstrates the use of the calcPad to grade mathematical expressions.
Question 5 highlights the use of calcPad for integration problems.
Question 6 is another example using the calcPad. Here students must remember to use C for the constant of integration in the answer. If this constant is forgotten the system will provide a helpful hint to the student.
Question 7 includes three-dimensional graphs.
Question 8 showcases the ability to grade ordered pairs. The use of pulldown menus for multiple choice answers is also featured.
Question 9 is yet another example of the calcPad. Here the required answer includes cosine and pi, but the calcPad makes entering this answer very simple and straight-forward for the student.
This demo assignment allows many submissions and allows you to try another version of the same question for practice wherever the problem has randomized values.