Precalculus with Limits, 4th edition, written by Ron Larson and published by
Cengage Learning, delivers the same sound explanations and exercises as the market-leading
Precalculus, with a laser focus on preparation for calculus.
Limits includes a brief algebra review of core topics, coverage of analytic geometry in three dimensions, and an introduction to concepts covered in calculus and is ideal for a two-term course. The WebAssign component for this title engages students with many features, and links to a complete eBook.
Question 1 grades all solutions written as a list. The prompt alerts the student to enter a comma-separated list of answers.
Question 2 contains expression grading where any equivalent form of the expression is accepted. Also included are a Master It tutorial, Watch It, and solution.
Question 3 enforces that the answer is written as a complex number and includes a Watch It.
Question 4 demonstrates grading for factored expressions in the first answer blank. Also included are a Master It tutorial, Watch It, and solution.
Question 5 highlights grading used for an expanded logarithm per the question instructions.
Question 6 is a multi-part question which shows one of many prompts used to indicate to the student what to enter when there is no answer.
Question 7 requires the evaluations of the the sine, cosine, and tangent of the angle to be entered in simplest form.
Question 8 features an image with a randomized value in addition to equation grading, which allows any equivalent form of the requested equation.
Question 9 exhibits an expandable matrix answer blank that grades the matrix as a whole, and also handles answers for matrices that cannot be computed. Also included are a Master It tutorial, Watch It, and solution.
This demo assignment allows many submissions and allows you to try another version of the same question for practice wherever the problem has randomized values.
The answer key and solutions will display after the first submission for demonstration purposes. Instructors can configure these to display after the due date or after a specified number of submissions. |