Create your course assignments by selecting questions from our bank of over 3000 end-of-section exercises, as well as enhanced interactive examples with videos.
While doing their homework, students can link to the relevant interactive examples from the book and work through them again and again for additional practice before answering the question.
Students can view and hear additional instruction through the 2-5 minute Watch It links. Students will also find helpful links to online excerpts from their textbook, tutorials, and videos.

- relevant textbook pages

- videos of worked examples

- tutorials
In this assignment we present several textbook question types found in Chapter 2 on Trigonometric Functions: Unit Circle Approach in
Trigonometry 2/e by James Stewart, Lothar Redlin, and Saleem Watson published by
Brooks/Cole. We also included 2 questions from Chapter 1 Fundamentals and 1 question from Appendix A: Algebra Review.
This demo assignment allows many submissions and allows you to try another version of the same question for practice wherever the problem has randomized values.