4-4  Projectile Motion
Learning Objectives 
After reading this module, you should be able to
On a sketch of the path taken in projectile motion, explain the magnitudes and directions of the velocity and acceleration components during the flight.
Given the launch velocity in either magnitude-angle or unit-vector notation, calculate the particle's position, displacement, and velocity at a given instant during the flight.
Given data for an instant during the flight, calculate the launch velocity.
Key Ideas 
In projectile motion, a particle is launched into the air with a speed v0 and at an angle θ0 (as measured from a horizontal x axis). During flight, its horizontal acceleration is zero and its vertical acceleration is (downward on a vertical y axis).
The equations of motion for the particle (while in flight) can be written as
The trajectory (path) of a particle in projectile motion is parabolic and is given by
if x0 and y0 are zero.
The particle's horizontal range R, which is the horizontal distance from the launch point to the point at which the particle returns to the launch height, is
Projectile Motion
We next consider a special case of two-dimensional motion: A particle moves in a vertical plane with some initial velocity but its acceleration is always the free-fall acceleration , which is downward. Such a particle is called a projectile (meaning that it is projected or launched), and its motion is called projectile motion. A projectile might be a tennis ball (Fig. 4-8) or baseball in flight, but it is not a duck in flight. Many sports involve the study of the projectile motion of a ball. For example, the racquetball player who discovered the Z-shot in the 1970s easily won his games because of the ball's perplexing flight to the rear of the court.
Figure 4-8   
A stroboscopic photograph of a yellow tennis ball bouncing off a hard surface. Between impacts, the ball has projectile motion.
Our goal here is to analyze projectile motion using the tools for two-dimensional motion described in Module 4-1 through 4-3 and making the assumption that air has no effect on the projectile. Figure 4-9, which we shall analyze soon, shows the path followed by a projectile when the air has no effect. The projectile is launched with an initial velocity that can be written as
The components and can then be found if we know the angle θ0 between and the positive x direction:
During its two-dimensional motion, the projectile's position vector and velocity vector change continuously, but its acceleration vector is constant and always directed vertically downward. The projectile has no horizontal acceleration.
Figure 4-9   
The projectile motion of an object launched into the air at the origin of a coordinate system and with launch velocity at angle θ0. The motion is a combination of vertical motion (constant acceleration) and horizontal motion (constant velocity), as shown by the velocity components.

Projectile motion, like that in Figs. 4-8 and 4-9, looks complicated, but we have the following simplifying feature (known from experiment):
In projectile motion, the horizontal motion and the vertical motion are independent of each other; that is, neither motion affects the other.
This feature allows us to break up a problem involving two-dimensional motion into two separate and easier one-dimensional problems, one for the horizontal motion (with zero acceleration) and one for the vertical motion (with constant downward acceleration). Here are two experiments that show that the horizontal motion and the vertical motion are independent.
Two Golf Balls
Figure 4-10 is a stroboscopic photograph of two golf balls, one simply released and the other shot horizontally by a spring. The golf balls have the same vertical motion, both falling through the same vertical distance in the same interval of time. The fact that one ball is moving horizontally while it is falling has no effect on its vertical motion; that is, the horizontal and vertical motions are independent of each other.
Figure 4-10   
One ball is released from rest at the same instant that another ball is shot horizontally to the right. Their vertical motions are identical.
A Great Student Rouser
In Fig. 4-11, a blowgun G using a ball as a projectile is aimed directly at a can suspended from a magnet M. Just as the ball leaves the blowgun, the can is released. If g (the magnitude of the free-fall acceleration) were zero, the ball would follow the straight-line path shown in Fig. 4-11 and the can would float in place after the magnet released it. The ball would certainly hit the can. However, g is not zero, but the ball still hits the can! As Fig. 4-11 shows, during the time of flight of the ball, both ball and can fall the same distance h from their zero-g locations. The harder the demonstrator blows, the greater is the ball's initial speed, the shorter the flight time, and the smaller the value of h.
Figure 4-11   
The projectile ball always hits the falling can. Each falls a distance h from where it would be were there no free-fall acceleration.
 Checkpoint 3
At a certain instant, a fly ball has velocity (the x axis is horizontal, the y axis is upward, and is in meters per second). Has the ball passed its highest point?
The Horizontal Motion
Now we are ready to analyze projectile motion, horizontally and vertically. We start with the horizontal motion. Because there is no acceleration in the horizontal direction, the horizontal component vx of the projectile's velocity remains unchanged from its initial value throughout the motion, as demonstrated in Fig. 4-12. At any time t, the projectile's horizontal displacement from an initial position x0 is given by Eq. 2-15 with a = 0, which we write as
Because , this becomes
Figure 4-12   
The vertical component of this skateboarder's velocity is changing but not the horizontal component, which matches the skateboard's velocity. As a result, the skateboard stays underneath him, allowing him to land on it.
The Vertical Motion
The vertical motion is the motion we discussed in Module 2-5 for a particle in free fall. Most important is that the acceleration is constant. Thus, the equations of Table 2-1 apply, provided we substitute for a and switch to y notation. Then, for example, Eq. 2-15 becomes
where the initial vertical velocity component is replaced with the equivalent . Similarly, Eqs. 2-11 and 2-16 become
As is illustrated in Fig. 4-9 and Eq. 4-23, the vertical velocity component behaves just as for a ball thrown vertically upward. It is directed upward initially, and its magnitude steadily decreases to zero, which marks the maximum height of the path. The vertical velocity component then reverses direction, and its magnitude becomes larger with time.
The Equation of the Path
We can find the equation of the projectile's path (its trajectory) by eliminating time t between Eqs. 4-21 and 4-22. Solving Eq. 4-21 for t and substituting into Eq. 4-22, we obtain, after a little rearrangement,
This is the equation of the path shown in Fig. 4-9. In deriving it, for simplicity we let and in Eqs. 4-21 and 4-22, respectively. Because g, θ0, and v0 are constants, Eq. 4-25 is of the form , in which a and b are constants. This is the equation of a parabola, so the path is parabolic.
The Horizontal Range
The horizontal range R of the projectile is the horizontal distance the projectile has traveled when it returns to its initial height (the height at which it is launched). To find range R, let us put in Eq. 4-21 and in Eq. 4-22, obtaining
Eliminating t between these two equations yields
Using the identity (see Appendix E), we obtain
This equation does not give the horizontal distance traveled by a projectile when the final height is not the launch height. Note that R in Eq. 4-26 has its maximum value when , which corresponds to or .
The horizontal range R is maximum for a launch angle of 45°.
However, when the launch and landing heights differ, as in many sports, a launch angle of 45° does not yield the maximum horizontal distance.
The Effects of the Air
We have assumed that the air through which the projectile moves has no effect on its motion. However, in many situations, the disagreement between our calculations and the actual motion of the projectile can be large because the air resists (opposes) the motion. Figure 4-13, for example, shows two paths for a fly ball that leaves the bat at an angle of 60° with the horizontal and an initial speed of . Path I (the baseball player's fly ball) is a calculated path that approximates normal conditions of play, in air. Path II (the physics professor's fly ball) is the path the ball would follow in a vacuum.
Figure 4-13   
(I) The path of a fly ball calculated by taking air resistance into account. (II) The path the ball would follow in a vacuum, calculated by the methods of this chapter. See Table 4-1 for corresponding data. (Based on “The Trajectory of a Fly Ball,” by Peter J. Brancazio, The Physics Teacher, January 1985.)
Table 4-1  
Two Fly Ballsa
Path I (Air)
Path II (Vacuum)
98.5 m
Maximum height
53.0 m
76.8 m
Time of flight
6.6 s
7.9 s
 Checkpoint 4
A fly ball is hit to the outfield. During its flight (ignore the effects of the air), what happens to its (a) horizontal and (b) vertical components of velocity? What are the (c) horizontal and (d) vertical components of its acceleration during ascent, during descent, and at the topmost point of its flight?
Sample Problem 4.04
Projectile dropped from airplane
In Fig. 4-14, a rescue plane flies at and constant height toward a point directly over a victim, where a rescue capsule is to land.
Figure 4-14   
A plane drops a rescue capsule while moving at constant velocity in level flight. While falling, the capsule remains under the plane.
What should be the angle of the pilot's line of sight to the victim when the capsule release is made?
Once released, the capsule is a projectile, so its horizontal and vertical motions can be considered separately (we need not consider the actual curved path of the capsule).
In Fig. 4-14, we see that is given by
where x is the horizontal coordinate of the victim (and of the capsule when it hits the water) and . We should be able to find x with Eq. 4-21:
Here we know that because the origin is placed at the point of release. Because the capsule is released and not shot from the plane, its initial velocity is equal to the plane's velocity. Thus, we know also that the initial velocity has magnitude and angle (measured relative to the positive direction of the x axis). However, we do not know the time t the capsule takes to move from the plane to the victim.
To find t, we next consider the vertical motion and specifically Eq. 4-22:
Here the vertical displacement of the capsule is (the negative value indicates that the capsule moves downward). So,
Solving for t, we find . Using that value in Eq. 4-28 yields
Then Eq. 4-27 gives us
As the capsule reaches the water, what is its velocity ?
(1) The horizontal and vertical components of the capsule's velocity are independent. (2) Component vx does not change from its initial value because there is no horizontal acceleration. (3) Component vy changes from its initial value because there is a vertical acceleration.
When the capsule reaches the water,
Using Eq. 4-23 and the capsule's time of fall , we also find that when the capsule reaches the water,
Thus, at the water
From Eq. 3-6, the magnitude and the angle of are
Sample Problem 4.05
Launched into the air from a water slide
One of the most dramatic videos on the web (but entirely fictitious) supposedly shows a man sliding along a long water slide and then being launched into the air to land in a water pool. Let's attach some reasonable numbers to such a flight to calculate the velocity with which the man would have hit the water. Figure 4-15a indicates the launch and landing sites and includes a superimposed coordinate system with its origin conveniently located at the launch site. From the video we take the horizontal flight distance as , the flight time as , and the launch angle as . Find the magnitude of the velocity at launch and at landing.
Figure 4-15   
(a) Launch from a water slide, to land in a water pool. The velocity at (b) launch and (c) landing.
(1) For projectile motion, we can apply the equations for constant acceleration along the horizontal and vertical axes separately. (2) Throughout the flight, the vertical acceleration is and the horizontal acceleration is .
In most projectile problems, the initial challenge is to figure out where to start. There is nothing wrong with trying out various equations, to see if we can somehow get to the velocities. But here is a clue. Because we are going to apply the constant-acceleration equations separately to the x and y motions, we should find the horizontal and vertical components of the velocities at launch and at landing. For each site, we can then combine the velocity components to get the velocity.
Because we know the horizontal displacement , let's start with the horizontal motion. Since , we know that the horizontal velocity component vx is constant during the flight and thus is always equal to the horizontal component at launch. We can relate that component, the displacement , and the flight time with Eq. 2-15:
Substituting , this becomes Eq. 4-21. With , we then write
That is a component of the launch velocity, but we need the magnitude of the full vector, as shown in Fig. 4-15b, where the components form the legs of a right triangle and the full vector forms the hypotenuse. We can then apply a trig definition to find the magnitude of the full velocity at launch:
and so
Now let's go after the magnitude v of the landing velocity. We already know the horizontal component, which does not change from its initial value of . To find the vertical component vy and because we know the elapsed time and the vertical acceleration , let's rewrite Eq. 2-11 as
and then (from Fig. 4-15b) as
Substituting , this becomes Eq. 4-23. We can then write
Now that we know both components of the landing velocity, we use Eq. 3-6 to find the velocity magnitude:

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