Take a Personal Study Plan Quiz

You can take Personal Study PlanĀ® chapter and practice quizzes to test or demonstrate your knowledge or to identify areas where you could benefit from additional study or instruction.

Chapter quizzes
Chapter quizzes test your knowledge of every section of the chapter that your instructor included in the Personal Study Plan. Chapter quizzes might include questions that are more complex than practice quizzes.

When you take a chapter quiz, your scores for questions from each section of the chapter replace the scores of your practice quizzes for that chapter.

Note If your instructor set up the Personal Study Plan as part of your class grade, your overall score for the Personal Study Plan is the average of all your chapter quiz scores. Only your last chapter quiz scores are counted.

You can take a chapter quiz as many times as you want, with a new set of randomized questions each time.

Practice quizzes
Practice quizzes test your knowledge of one chapter section at a time, and do not count toward your grade in WebAssign. Practice quiz questions might be simpler than chapter quiz questions; if you are learning the material for the first time, or are not confident about the material, start by taking a practice quiz.

You can take a practice quiz as many times as you want, with a new set of randomized questions each time. Your instructor can view scores for both practice and chapter quizzes. This helps your instructor know if there are subject areas for which either you or the class as a whole might benefit from additional instruction.

  1. Click Home.

    If necessary, select a class from the My Classes menu.

    If a Personal Study Plan is available, the Personal Study Plan panel is displayed on your Home page for the class.

  2. Click Personal Study Plan to open the Personal Study Plan panel.
  3. In the Personal Study Plan panel, click Overview or a chapter title.

    The Personal Study Plan Overview page opens. If you clicked a chapter title, that chapter is expanded and lists the sections of the chapter that are included in the Personal Study Plan.

  4. Read the instructions for the Personal Study Plan.

    The instructions might provide information about how your instructor wants you to use the Personal Study Plan or if chapter quizzes count toward your grade.

    Note Do not assume that the Personal Study Plan is not part of your grade just because your instructor neglected to state this in the description or instructions for the Personal Study Plan.
  5. If needed, click expand icon to expand the chapter you want to study.
  6. Beside the chapter or section for which you want to take a quiz, click either Chapter Quiz or Practice Quiz.

    The chapter or practice quiz opens.

  7. Answer the questions to the best of your ability.
    Note After submitting your responses to a quiz, you can only review your question responses while you are in the current session. Your question responses are not saved and you cannot review them in a later session.
  8. Click Submit All Questions.

The quiz score is displayed at the top of the quiz in the Quiz Results section, along with your first and best scores.

You can review which of your answers were correct and which were not. If available, you can use Practice Another Version or tutorial links to work on specific questions.

  • Click Overview to go back to the Personal Study Plan Overview page.
  • Click Tutorial to open the Tutorial page and use online resources to learn the relevant material before you retake the quiz.
  • Click Retake Quiz to retake the quiz with different randomized values.